Creating Boundless Possibilities For Your Future
Torch of Wisdom Foundation strives to positively impact the lives of Southeastern Michigan youth and families by delivering academic, cultural, economic, and social programs that create boundless possibilities for future growth and development. We partner with, support and encourage those within the community who share our goal of Changing Tomorrow Today™.
We provide funding and programming to support individuals and organizations in three core areas:
Have a professional subject you have expertise in and can serve as a volunteer presenter or volunteer with program facilitation? We need you!
Your contribution helps support our community and youth programs.
Our events are community enriching and your support will help further our mission.
The focus of our program is to provide young ladies with the tools and skillsets to be self-aware of who they are, obstacles they must overcome, and guidance on how they can apply their talents to give back to society.
2025 applications are now open for The Learning Network, a youth employability skills program. Students 15-18 years-old can earn a $50 stipend for every participated session!
Wheteher you are a die-hard golfer or not, come join us for an afternoon of fun! Proceeds from this signature bi-annual event allows us to fund the many programs which support our community.
Registration questions:
Sponsorship opportunities:
The focus of our program is to provide young ladies with the tools and skillsets to be self-aware of who they are, obstacles they must overcome, and guidance on how they can apply their talents to give back to society.
2025 applications are now open for The Learning Network, a youth employability skills program. Students 15-18 years-old can earn a $50 stipend for every participated session!
Wheteher you are a die-hard golfer or not, come join us for an afternoon of fun! Proceeds from this signature bi-annual event allows us to fund the many programs which support our community.
Registration questions:
Sponsorship opportunities:
Wisdom Warrior Session #1
We’re thrilled to kick off the new year with an amazing session this Saturday, January 13, 2024, at 11:30am! Please join us at The Glam Doctor Studio at 17390 W. Eight Mile Rd. Southfield, MI 48075. The Glam Doctor, Rashida Williams, is a visionary artist who empowers and nurtures the growth of young girls in the community by teaching them about the importance of self-care and inner beauty through the G.L.A.M (Genuinely Loving and Accepting Myself) Movement program. We will have a make-up tutorial along with a headshot photo session. This will be a fun, interactive session that will include self-esteem games to allow you to take a deep look inside answering the question, "Who Am I?'
We would love to see you there! There are ONLY 15 spots available. For returning Warriors, please RSVP to confirm your attendance by replying to by Friday, January 12, 2024. Indicate if your child requires transportation. In addition, please respond to this email as confirmation that your child has permission to attend this event.
If a Warrior is inviting a friend, please direct them to the QR Code on the flyer to complete the application and join the program
Wisdom Warrior Program Session – TOWF Plaza
Saturday, February 10th – 11 AM - 1 PM
Wisdom Warrior Program Session
Saturday, February 24th – 11 AM - 1 PM
Wisdom Warrior Program Session
Saturday, March 9th – 11 AM - 1 PM
Economic Education Series
Credit Repir Workshop
Tuesday, March 19, 2024 - 6PM
If your credit score is not where you want or need it to be, do not get discouraged. Join us for this workshop to learn how to implement strategies that will improve your credit score.
Wisdom Warrior Program Session
Saturday, March 30th – 11 AM - 1 PM
Wisdom Warrior Program:
Saturday, April 13th 11am - 1 pm
The Learning Network Virtual Participants Orientation (mandatory):
April 18th 6:30PM
Wisdom Warrior Program:
Saturday, April 20th – 11 AM – 1 PM
The Learning Network Virtual Participants Orientation (mandatory):
April 25th - 6:30 PM
The Learning Network Program Session – TOWF Plaza
May 4th 9am -1pm
The Learning Network Program Session – TOWF Plaza
May 11th 9am -1pm
The Learning Network Program Session – TOWF Plaza
May 18th 9am -1pm
The Learning Network Program Session – TOWF Plaza
May 25th 9am -1pm
Expanding Access to Generational Wealth Through Homeownership: A Homebuyer’s Resource Fair
June 30, 2 - 5 p.m.
2024 Black-Owned Small Business Pitch Competition Preparation Workshop
Tuesay, October 15, 6PM
Register at
Small Business Saturday Shop Small Experience